Rhonda Brown Sells Out Opening Performance at Stl Fringe Festival ‘24

Credit – Photo by Robert A. Crow
Elsah’s Rhonda Brown performed her one-woman play, Red Hot Patriot, to the first sold-out opening show in the 14-year history of the St. Louis Fringe Festival on August 13. Several Elsah-ites were in attendance and contributed to box office success. Rhonda’s portrayal of liberal firebrand journalist Molly Ivins was flawless, and earned rave reviews from the St. Louis Daily blog, Broadway World, Theatre critic Tina Farmer’s FB Page, and the local ETE newsletter. She has been performing Red Hot Patriot nationally since 2011, and it continues to resonate with a message that is powerful and timeless. Talks are in the works for a possible production of this play in the Riverbend area. Rhonda has also been cast as Molly Stiritz, the late owner of the Clifton Terrace Hotel, in an October production of Vintage Voices in Alton. The performances take place in the Alton Cemetery. Stay tuned for details and dust off the Ouija boards.