Village of Elsah Board of Trustees

Meetings 2nd Tuesday of the month 7 p.m.

Elsah Civic Center
51 Mill St., Elsah, IL 62028

Michael Pitchford, President/Mayor (Elected)
Civic Center: (618) 374-1568;

Crystal Dunham, Village Clerk/Treasurer
Barbara Ostrowski, Village Clerk (618) 419-3603

Trustees: Connie Davis, Marjorie Doerr, Cecily Lee, Bob Phillips, Patti Sontag, Susan Young

The public is encouraged to attend all meetings. When scheduled, notices & agendas for the committee & other meetings will be posted at least 48 hours in advance. All meetings are held at the Civic Center, 51 Mill Street unless noted otherwise on the posting announcement.

Village Information Posting Locations:

  • Post Office Bulletin Board
  • Civic Center Bulletin Board
  • Kiosk in Parking Lot at Maple & Lasalle
