VILLAGE MATTERS: February 2024

Film & conversation for Black History Month:  Feb. 20, 7:30 pm

“One Night in Miami,” directed by Regina King (2020), will be our featured film at Farley’s. It’s an imagined conversation on how to move the civil rights movement forward, among four well-known Black men: boxer Mohammad Ali, activist Malcom X, football star Jim Brown, and singer-songwriter Sam Cooke. Following the movie, we’ll have our own conversation about it.

Happy 70th, Gary!

Connie Davis threw husband Gary a surprise birthday party on Jan. 27 at Farley’s. Gary’s siblings, who came in from far and wide, and Village neighbors, were there to congratulate him. (Photo by Samuel Odhiambo)

Escape to Elsah newsletter writer needed – as of April 1

The current newsletter writer, Cecily Lee, will step down March 31. If you love community and keeping people informed and connected through writing, you are qualified! This volunteer job involves gathering and reporting the news as part of the two-person Escape to Elsah Communications Team.  For more information, contact: